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The Brokers (ingame website)

Lead designer, writer and producer: Ivan Žalac
Design, writing and online content producers: The Brokers
Location coordinators: Terrible Creations team (Terrible Lair), Crni Mačak staff (Crni Mačak), Ivo Turk (Kinoklub Zagreb)

Special thanks to: Terrible Creations, Crni Mačak and Kinoklub Zagreb staff for providing space to play in; Danijel Knežević for creating wonderful art in previous Izgon larps, some of which was reused for this larp; my wife Jasminka for her endless patience, understanding and support during the preparation of this larp; Juhana Pettersson, Bjarke Pedersen and Johanna Koljonen for introducing me to a whole new world of larp design and safety techniques and principles, many of which are used here; Ivana Delač for introducing a lot of people to the Izgon setting via her novel Izgnani; and everyone who showed support so far.

Very special thanks to: all players of previous Izgon larps, and every player of Izgon: Ascendancy for your wonderful world-building and stories you experienced which made this larp possible.